
Thursday, May 23, 2013

Publishing Research Online

So this isn't directly about using ed tech in the classroom but it's been on my mind, so I'm going to talk it out. For our Action Research we are publishing it on a website, specifically our weebly site that we created as part of our program earlier in the year.

This poses an interesting dilemma for me because I have a rather in depth knowledge of how most people browse the internet and I can say with a fair amount of certainty that one of the most common traits of the average internet browser is a desire for small pieces of digestible content that they can get through relatively quickly.  As one would imagine this is not easily compatible with the idea of publishing research online, which is by nature rather lengthy and involved.

Now I've brainstormed various methods to combat this, chunking information into smaller pieces, presenting as much data as I can in a visual format, keeping all the less-important parts brief to allow room for expanding on the more important parts, and in general doing whatever I can to cater to the internet browsing patterns of the average person.

I don't have a resolution for this issue yet, but perhaps it's a problem someone else has successfully solved.

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